The correct answer is: Conscientiousness.
Conscientiousness is one of the five dimensions of personality described in the Big Five model of personality.
People that are highly conscientious are very dependable, reliable, responsible and punctual. They take promises very seriously and are usually very strict and reliable in their behavior.
On the other hand, people that score low on conscientiousness are typically unreliable, are more prone to irresponsible behavior and tend to be lazy and avoid commitment.
In this particular example, Layne exhibits low levels of Conscientiousness.
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Griswold decision protected behavior in a marriage setting (D) The case involved a connectiut low which prohibited the use of contraceptives.Connecticut statute show it like a crime for a person to use drug to prevent conception, According to court woman who choice to have abortion was protected as private decision between woman and the doctor.
Some things that are seen as discipline may be considered abuse.
it is Mr President because he is in charge of the country