The long reign of the dynasty of David resulted more from the promise of God than from the power of man is true.
This really depends on your beliefs in if gender discrimination is as big of a deal as racial discrimination. The 14th amendment is the Equal Protection Clause, it was mainly for the slaves that had been freed in the U.S after the civil war. It basically forbids the states to restrict basic rights of citizens without going through the process of law or being protected by the law. But has recently been used in cases to of gender discrimination.
I believe it is perfectly justified for the 14th amendment to be acted in cases of gender discrimination. The 14th amendment does not have to be dedicated completely to race, but can have multiple purposes and be dedicated to gender discrimination as well. Because the 14th amendment does not mention race in its context, but mentions that basic rights shall not be stripped from citizens.
The answer is traditional education Philosophy. it alludes to a long back settled conventions that society usually used as a piece of schools. A couple of kinds of guidance change advance the gathering of dynamic preparing practices, an all the more comprehensive technique which bases on solitary understudies' needs and balance. As indicated by reformers, standard teacher focused systems focused on reiteration learning and recognition must be betrayed for understudy centered and undertaking based approaches to manage learning environment.
Answer: A) Climate
Explanation: Until the mid-20th century the largest impediment to trade between area "1" and area "2" on the map was climate. The Sahara Desert was a major impediment to trade. True, there were Trans-Saharan trade routes for centuries, but there is no denying that the desert was an inconvenience at the very least.