####Bash Script Start###################################
#######Please check the permissions on the folders inorder to make sure the script works
if [ ! -d NEW ]; then
mkdir -p NEW;
df > "NEW/Free_Space_Content.txt"
touch "NEW/OLD_Content.txt" | ls -l OLD > "NEW/OLD_Content.txt"
> "NEW/Time_File.txt" | date +"%B %c" > "NEW/Time_File.txt"
cp "OLD"/*.txt "BACKUP"
rename OLD BACKUP "BACKUP"/*.txt
mv "NEW"/*.txt "BACKUP"
#############Bash Script End##################################
Commands which were used to create files:
touch filename
command > filename
> filename
Directory and its contents:
NEW: Contained the newly created file
OLD: Contained sample files with OLD suffix
BACKUP: Contains all the files moved from NEW and OLD directories
Free_Space_Content.txt contains the disk info such as used and free space
OLD_Content.txt contains the directory contents info of OLD directory
Time_File.txt : Contais the current month, day and time info