Rajus classmates should be educated on the dangers of bull_ying and the benefits of being kind instead.
<h3>What is bull_ying?</h3>
Bull_ying is an action which is directed to another individual due to real or perceived power imbalance to cause the individual fear or h_arm.
The dangers of bull_ying include:
- causes feeling of worthlessness in the individuals being bulli_ed
- can lead to self_h_arm such as sui cide
- bull_ies can be prosecuted.
By teasing Raju, her classmates are bull_ying her.
Therefore, Rajus classmates should be educated on the dangers of bull_ying and the benefits of being kind instead.
Learn more about bull_ying at: brainly.com/question/1460915
A marmoset is a member of the family of primates and are known to be one of the smallest monkey. They are measured to have a body length of 12 - 15 inches and has a mass of approximately 100 - 125 g. Comparing to monkeys, marmosets have distinct characteristics. Instead of having nails, they have claws, they tactile hair or a sensitive hair found on their wrists. They do not have wisdom teeth and the layout of their brain is primitive.
1.a.In agriculture cultural control is the practice of modifying the growing environment to reduce the prevalence of unwanted pests. Examples include changing soil pH or fertility levels, irrigation practices, amount of sunlight, temperature, or the use of beneficial animals or insects.
1.b. Cultural control is using the production or utilization methods of a commodity with a concern for insect management. Cultural control practices are usually multipurpose technical procedures that create environments that either avoid high-risk situations for infestations or develop unfavorable conditions for pests.
1.c.Simplicity and low cost are the primary advantages of cultural control tactics, and disadvantages are few as long as these tactics are compatible with a farmer's other management objectives (high yields, mechanization, etc.).
Likely to be a poisonous nuclear power plants waste would concern her of her own health issues and family and Community
Ozone is considered a pollutant in the troposphere, but in the stratosphere it is essential to life on earth because it absorbs biologically harmful UV radiation. The mesosphere and the thermosphere are two additional atmospheric layers above the stratosphere.