Answer: Telling your friends and family about your donations can make them inspired to make there own efforts to donate. It takes more than one person to help fix issues such as the following: world proverty, scientific advancement, and early childhood education. Showing love through your actions can have a positive result. It can even cause a noticeable difference in your own donating.
wording it like this will help you sound more professional while still keeping it simple enough for everyone to understand! Make sure to also use proper grammer and spelling rather its a speech or a written paper.
Simple: acceptance.
What do i mean by that?
Well, first of all - the feeling of exclusion, rejection is what "kills" them, not exactly their disability (althought it can be heartbreaking at the beggining). So, insert special needs kids/teenagers/adults into specific programs, that are specially designed to attend their needs considering their limitations would provide the always so important sensation of importance and acceptance that not only they - but every human being needs.
You ask me to provide an example? Well ... I don't quite remember the source right now, but i do remember that once, in the past, I've read that a significant amount of people affected by depression are due to their exclusion from groups and the feeling of rejection by the society. Unfortunately, the information that the very Society has ALL kinds of groups that one can imagine will never reach these depressive poeple, the truth is: there is a place where they can feel part of the whole.
This for sure can help to accept and overcome their condition, regardless of the type of disability - physical of mental.
Bro this is making my head go loodyloop
third one
“ It causes you to evaluate who you are, what you want to be, who you want to be, and helps you recognize the flaws and pitfalls in modern thinking. Nowadays many writers are afraid of hurting the reader's feelings or alienating people by writing messages that the reader disagrees with and that society may frown upon.”