After the song, Wealhtheow, Hrothgar 's queen, offers the gold mead cup to Hrothgar and tells him to be generous to Beowulf and the other Geats. She then turns to her nephew Hrothulf and her sons Hrethic and Hrothmund, who are sitting next to Beowulf.She reminds her nephew that Hrothgar took him in when he was a child, and says she knows Hrothulf will repay her sons well.
Meet is the correct choice.
William Blake was a poet who used to write poetry mostly romantic poems based on marriage, love, and attraction.
In one of his poem, ‘The Marriage of Hell and Heaven’ he stated that ‘Attraction and Repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate are necessary to Human existence.’ By this he meant that there can’t just be one force working on this universe. If there’s hate, there’s also going to be hate.
He describe Good as Heaven and Evil as Hell. Heaven and hell is simply the acts of good doings and wrong doings.
A. TO explain those in favor burning the books believe doing so is positive.