Clipboard, Slides, Font, Paragraph, Drawing, and Editing
The answer is true.
Let's say we are calculating the volume of a grain silo where the the width is a constant, but the height can be changed.
In our code we would calculate the volume using something like:
PI * (WIDTH / 2)^2 * height
The variables in all caps would be named constants. Using them makes the code more readable to other people than if we were to just use their values like:
3.14 * (145.75 / 2)^2 * height
rv = "hello"
num_chars = len(rv)
*The code is in Python.
Initialize the string rv, in this example I set it to "hello"
Use the len() method to get the number of characters in the rv and set it to the num_chars
Print the num_chars
Note that the result will be 5 in this case, because <em>hello</em> consists of five characters
yes I am having the same problem I take a picture and it says something is wrong with connection
d.#include deque
We have to include deque library in order to use a deque container and the syntax to include is #include<deque>.Deque is a double ended queue which is a sequence container and allows operations of contraction and expansion on both ends of the queue.Double ended queues are a special case of simple queue since in simple queue the insertion is from rear end and deletion is from front end but in deque insertion and deletion is possible at both ends rear and front.