The correct answer is C. Keep existing customers and clients
Customer service refers to the interaction with customers and support employees in a company provide to customer to guarantee he or she has the best experience when buying one product or service. A high-quality customer service implies providing complete information to customers, and helping them before, during, and even after their process in buying or looking for information in a company. The main purpose of this is that customers feel the support from employees, and are loyal to the company which means they will go back if they need the same service or products. Thus, the reason for quality customer service is "Keep existing customers and clients".
SELECT last_name, job_title, hire_date FROM employee WHERE hire_date>="01-12-2016" AND job_title != "STOCK CLERK" ORDER BY job_title DESC;
The SQL code queries the employee table returning records of the last_name, job_title, and hire_date columns matching the employees hired on or after December 2016 and job titles that are not stock clerks in the employee table.
The WHERE and AND clause is responsible for the condition while the ORDER BY clause returns the query result in the of the job title in descending order.
It's mean press any key which you want to press.
There is no key called "any" key.
Un sistema operativo es el software más importante de tu computador, ya que se encarga de gestionar el hardware, el acceso a la memoria, acceso a la CPU y controlar gran parte de las tareas que lleva a cabo tu computador.