There are many actions that can influince bullying. The main one in my personal opinion would be reaction. When I say reaction I dont simply mean the reaction of the the person who is being bullied if not, the reaction of thise around him. If one gullown the bullies lead the you to would be considerd one. And the reason that adaults are importaint is because they are the ones give the example and that can also give out the consequences. You see a child we take our close aduld example and if a an adult is giving an agresive, or puting much emotional presure to us we might thing that it's okay to do I to someone else. Ithet way their are mant situations, as well as examples or reasons thet one might feel that it would be okay to bully so it is importaint to let them know the rights from the wrongs.
the narrator finally faces the darkness he has been trying to escape, and the reality of his situation causes him great anguish and anger. I hope it helps!