<span>Joe's business is most likely a type of sole proprietorship. Sole proprietorships are usually ran by one person who accounts for all of the business expenses as part of their personal taxes so there is no difference between personal and business. This form of business also does not need to file any paperwork with the state. The owner just needs a business license.</span>
1. Cash in hand and at bank balance
2. Is there land and buildings available
3. Are there any accumulated debt owed by the church
4. Collections or record of church document.
1. Cash in hand and at bank balance. This an example of a current asset. The first question is how much does the church have as cash and bank balance. The reason is to ascertain whether the fund will be sufficient for the new building project.
2. Land and Buildings availability. This is a fixed asset. The board would enquire whether there is an already existing building or land with which to begin the building project.
3. Debt or loan owed by the church. Loan forms part of liability in a balance sheet. Another question to be asked is whether the church is indebted to a bank or financial institution. This will determine whether or not to continue with the building project.
4. Record of church document. Does the church have any existing document with which to support the new building? This is pertinent as to begin or abandon the plan to build a new church.
Earnings per share (EPS) = (net income - preferred dividends) / average number of outstanding shares
EPS for all equity plan:
($80,000 x 60%) / 18,000 = $2.67 per share
EPS for Plan I:
[($80,000 - $5,000) x 60%] / 12,000 = $3.75 per share
EPS for Plan II:
[($80,000 - $7,750) x 60%] / 8,700 = $4.98 per share
If its not a house or a big invesment into a buisness it is debit
See below
Assets, Liabilities, and Equity form the basis for preparing the balance sheet. They make the accounting equation of Assets= Liabilities + Equity.
<u>Assets </u>are the valuables a business owns. They can be in the form of cash, money in the banks, financial instruments, properties, machines, or motor vehicles.
<u>Assets will be</u>
<u>Liabilities </u>are what the business owes to third parties and supplies. Liabilities are usually in the monetary form, such as loans, rent, and accounts payable.
<u>Equity</u> is the owner's contribution to the business. They include capital and retained earnings.
- retained owners
- personal investment earnings,