Because it is a mosque which is the Islam version of church so a holy sacred place
Carl demonstrates the type of love called, "Pragma". Pragma is described as a type of love that focuses on the benefits and personal advancements that you can gain from the other person. Usually demonstrated by entering into "arranged marriages", the emotional aspect of both individuals were not considered but instead, convenience became their utmost priority.
The 18th Amendment of the United states Constitution established the prohibition of basically alcohol in the United states. This amendment was proposed by the Congress on December 18, 1917, this was ratified by the requisite number of states on January 16, 1919
The ocean was first mapped by Abraham Ortelius; he called it Maris Pacifici following Ferdinand Magellan's description of it as "a pacific sea" during his circumnavigation from 1519 to 1522. To Magellan, it seemed much more calm (pacific) than the Atlantic.
Motivation is a need or desire or wants that directs the behavior towards the goal of a person. Motivation is a derive, instincts and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
Many psychologists believe that motivation is an internal impulse that motivates a person's behavior. It maximizes the well being of a person and minimizes the physical illness or pain.
Motivation is an incentive or the reason for doing something. It is both aspects such as psychological;l and biological.