Geography affected the development of Phoenician civilization because they had a good trading location.The Phoenicians trade with other people by getting the things they want to trade in boats and then they traveled to other places and traded what was in the boat there for something else.
Confucius and Taoism were coexisted in Chinese society for a long time. while advocated religious philosophies people tend to think them as same but there are crucial differences. while Confucius has entrusted the task of social issues, Taoism lays more stress on individual unfolding the meaning of life. Both religions have a vital role to play in Chinese society.
Political cartoons can be very funny, especially if you understand the issue that they're commenting on. Their main purpose, though, is not to amuse you but to persuade you. A good political cartoon makes you think about current events, but it also tries to sway your opinion toward the cartoonist's point of view.
d. personal and positive
Interpersonal relationship: It refers to the strong connection and association between different individuals who work together in a particular organization. To deliver the best performance, employees who work together should share a good bond. They portray positive gratitude, effective communication, understanding, and trust towards each other.
1. Less loneliness.
2. Gain self-esteem and self-knowledge.
3. Enhance emotional and physical health.
The interpersonal relationship between Ming Li and Erica is personal and positive.