This is to bring to your concern, that I am Amit Mishra, I am writing this letter to address a concern which I recently faced by your company. I purchased a furniture but it was defectived when delivered,I would like a refund/exchange if possible.
earnestly asking for something
Josephine , who is the main character's sister, wanted desperetaly her sister , Louise, to open the door of her room. Louise had a heart disease and had to take care of herself, but she had become even more vulnurable when she learnt that her husband had died in a train crash. It was Josephine that had given her the news. Louise's first reaction was to shut herselp up in her room.
Yes, as he found it difficult to comprehend the things he was surrounded by. He was curious about his father, and yet, he was frightened by the things his father was excited to show him. Moon Shadow was uncomfortable and frightened by the electric light, the ear phones, the crystal set, the strangely constructed machines, all of which he believed to be some kind of magic.
"I didn't say anything, but father realized I was scared from the way I was shaking.”
that means i will give them want they dont need
be her self plz join ctc gang plz