Accounta report or description of an event or experience.adjectivesword used to modify or describe a noun or pronoun, such as "happy," "sad," or "pretty."affix<span>a prefix or suffix - an additional element placed at the beginning or end of a root, stem, or word, or in the body of a word, to modify its meaning</span>antonymA word that means the opposite of another wordappropriate informationInformation that supports an idea, generalization, or a conclusionarticlea written composition in prose, usually nonfiction, on a specific topic, forming an independent part of a book or other publication, as a newspaper or magazineaudience (as in writer's audience)audience refers to the spectators, listeners, and intended readers of a writing, performance, or speechauthora writer of a book, article, or's messagemain idea theme or lesson the author wants to communicate to the readerauthor's point of viewhow the author feels about the subject he or she is writing aboutbloga Web log, which is a journal or newsletter that is updated frequently and published onlinecapitals/capitalizationwriting a word with its first letter as a capital lettercentral ideathe most important point the author makescharacterspeople, animals, or creatures in a story or dramacharacter's actionswhat the character does that shows characterizationcharacters' relationshipsrelationships among various characterscharta graphical representation of data
Dickinson prepared the first draft of the Articles of Confederation in 1776, after others had ratified the Declaration of Independence over his objection that it would lead to violence, and to follow through on his view that the colonies would need a governing document to survive war against them.
The global or global market is a system of economic, mercantile and financial relations between states linked by the international division of labor. With the concept of the international division of labor, the concept of international cooperation is intimately related, the basis of an efficient administration of the factors of production.