<span>Aminoacids have an amine (Nh2) group, a COOH group and a side-chain, joined by a center carbon: so the center carbon attaches to the N of the amine group, to the C of the COOH group, to another H and to the side-chain, which is different for each aminoacid (and it's usually written as "R") I hope that my answer is helpful! Let me know if you need something more :)</span>
All amino acids have a center carbon. The center carbon has four different molecules attached to it, these are: AMINO GROUP [NH2], CARBOXYL GROUP [COOH], AN R GROUP [R] AND A HYDROGEN ATOM. There are twenty different amino acids in existence, each amino acid differ from another one based on their R groups. The R group is specific and unique to each amino acid. The center carbon in amino acid structure is also called alpha carbon.
The potato plant only has to grow its main part a tuber which can help grow more multiple parts which will easliy create more offspring. a strawberrie on the other hand needs to grow its main fruit grow flowers and seeds in itself to continue its reproduction cycle. The strawberry also takes a longer time to be able to reproduce.