Thanks. Have a splendid day.
Most people who are younger or more susceptible to advertising should stay away from a credit card as they can make people feel like they have much more than they actually have. The worst part is credit card companies persuade people to go over what they can pay back in a month. Because they make money from interest. Now credit cards can be useful for those are poorer and can’t use a debit card because they go from paycheck to paycheck. And are just barely paying bills. But still most of those people will get buried in debt.
Genius because of the high level that her IQ is.
Bald Eagle
My answer is based off of movies
In the story "Macbeth" the 3 witches told the prophecy that Macbeth would not be able to be killed by any man born from his mother's womb. Macbeth takes this as a sign that he can not be killed by anyone but we find out that Macduff was technically born by a C-section meaning that although he was born from his mother, he was not born traditionally and was considered to not be born by the womb. I hope this helped!