Personification because it's saying the river knows as if it is a person or higher being.
Sports and games offer students a lot of lessons and values. Other than the fact that sports is good for the health of a student, it also teaches students patience, sportsmanship, and appreciation of hard work. Patience because in order to win games, one has to maintain level headed and cool so that he will not cloud his judgment. Sportsmanship, so that even if one loses, he is not bitter about it and can even congratulate his opponent. And appreciation for hard work because attaining skills is not an easy task.
The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was the largest civil rights protest in US history, and contributed to the successful implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Bee .
Eve .
( hope this helps )
The Camel Corp is an important part of the history of the American military.