Good question. When one Endorces or "Hires/ payes" someone again for a job/thing they did. I think. :)
The most necessary point you need to follow when using a line graph, is to make your graph readable. So, the reason why is it inportant to only graph 1 - 3 series of data is that more than 3 series of data causes too many lines on the graph, which makes ti confusing to read. The last option is the correct one.
Ruby can take up movie design in flim television ' or theater production
The following code is written in Python and it is a function called filter, which takes in the requested inputs. It then places the threshold in its own variable and pops it out of the array of inputs. Then it loops through the array comparing each element with the threshold and printing out all of the ones that are less than or equal to the threshold.
def filter():
num_of_elements = input("Enter a number: ")
count = 0
arr_of_nums = []
while count <= int(num_of_elements):
arr_of_nums.append(input("Enter a number: "))
count += 1
threshold = arr_of_nums[-1]
for element in arr_of_nums:
if int(element) < int(threshold):
A. Static
Static page (also known as flat page or stationary page) is a web page that is delivered to the user's browser exactly as it was stored. They are web pages that contains fixed content. It is the easiest and most basic type of website. It is an unchanged page retrieved from a file on a web server. It is in direct contrast with dynamic websites that do not require any web programming or data base design.