Two ways how destructive relationships influence your well-being as opposed to constructive relationships.. Explanation: Destructive relationship occurs when one individual manipulates the other individual physically, emotionally and mentally causing great distress and disturbance.
Typically, within a constructive relationship, there's going to be more open communication, a willingness to sit down and talk about the issues, listen to the other party, perhaps take responsibility for something on your part that you did that you may have helped cause a conflict, a dispute, a misunderstanding.
Asclepius, Greek Asklepios, Latin Aesculapius, Greco-Roman god of medicine, son of Apollo (god of healing, truth, and prophecy) and the mortal princess Coronis. The Centaur Chiron taught him the art of healing.
The answer to the question: What religion does your neighbor adhere to, would be: Islam.
Islam is a very old belief system and faith that has been present in the world for centuries and is very much alive today. It is the belief system of almost all Middle-Eastern countries, and at the very least, those of Arab ascent. In the case of religious law, and how people should proceed according to the preachings of Islam, in all matters of life, including death, Muslims adhere to two sources: The Quran and the Sharia. The Sharia is precisely the code of rules that are given to all believers of Islam so they can perform their daily activities in accordance with the teachings of Allah, given to them through their Prophet, Muhammad.
In the case of burials, the Sharia states that a body must be buried within the following 24 hours of death, with only a few exceptions. The body must be buried, not cremated, and it must be done after a simple ritual of bathing and shrouding. These are the characteristics described in the context of the question, and therefore, this is why Islam is the right answer.
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that in this scenario Ms. Radano was an initiator, buffer, and reward dispenser. She was an Initiator because she initiated the conversation in explaining the statewide curricular changes. She was a buffer when she shielded the teacher by taking the parents angry phone call. Lastly she was a reward dispenser by publicly recognizing and rewarding the two teachers for their outstanding work.
Answer: A) individuals assimilate community preferences and norms through social interactions
Explanation: Socialization is simply the process of internalizing social norms and values i.e assimilating or learning the norms and values of a society. This enable individuals know how to live and interact within a particular social settings. It starts from a tender age where kids learn what ought to be done and what not to do.