Stream-of-consciousness writing is usually regarded as a special form of interior monologue and is characterized by associative leaps in thought and lack of some or all punctuation
The meaning is this, this boy was vexed by the horrible habit of smoking from the peer pressure of others. The author uses satire to jokingly tell of how much importance chewing tobacco was for a boy of his age. When Twain states " I was not able to learn to chew tobacco. I learned to smoke fairly well, but that did not conciliate anybody and I remained a poor thing, and characterless." he uses words such as "poor thing" and "characterless" to show humor within his writing. Though smoking and chewing tobacco isn't such a humorous subject, Twain uses a good amount of satire to represent comedy in such a serious topic.
Mark Twain uses satire to show humor through his most serious topics. This brings the reader into the story with interest.
Using sight to see that the water twists and whirl is the best option from there is no key words that mention a smell, a taste, or touch
There are lots of different types of essays writing. There are essays where they talk about cause and effect or Argumentative essays. There is a lot of different types of essays written differently. The essay I choose It talks about friendship of how they treat you and inspire you sometimes, but friends are not always a good thing because they can stab you right in the back. To Tell you the truth the only friend you need is your Parent or sibling because they will never leave your side and they are much better than friends. They know you better than your actual friends. They know what you been through a lot, and they will not stab you in the back like your so call friends will do. So, this is why I choose this essay about friendship because it's not all about the good things that friends do but also the bad things and the experience of learning who will actually be there for you and not do hurtful stuff to you.