People feel way more comfortable leaving details about their life on the internet compared to talking about it in person. People can say a lot of things behind the screen that they won't say out loud. This leads people to share a lot more personal stuff with a lot more people.
This kind of detail sharing writing attracts a certain kind of reader because it becomes more personal. It can also turn some readers away because they disagree with the writers choices.
It helps to get work done easier, faster, and without and frustration of not being able to find your work
Her scare resource is Money.
The answer is materialism. This is evident as the narrator wishes to go to a remote cabin in the woods and essentially live off the land while depriving himself of human contact and engaging with nature. No mention of religion is made in the passage, nor is there any concepts of turmoil that the narrator makes note of. Instead, he talks of his willingness to move to Innisfree, to live in a cabin simply, as he views it as his purpose.