I think purple and blue work nicely together
Pos la neta no se wey al chile
Concentration: Drama class has a lot of different aspects. If we are not concentrating in class then we can miss a detail the teacher says. For instance: The teacher may say "Improvise a skit where you are brushing your teeth." but if we miss that then we'll be confused.
Goal Setting: If we are mesmerizing a scene or play, it's best if we set goals on how much to memorize a day. Some things may be too long to memorize but if we just go with the flow, we may find out that we didn't memorize it by the due date.
Listening: Drama class is supposed to help with our acting skills and teach us the history of theatre. Therefore when we don't listen we may miss certain tips or information about the past.
Self-discipline: Even though we are supposed to indole ourselves in the character, we should also be able to tell how much is too much. For instance, if we're supposed to yell, it'll be too much to yell in a small classroom. Therefore we should remind ourselves and tell ourselves certain rules and situations.
Self reflection: This will help us when trying to perform. When you're looking at a character, you want to indulge yourself into that character. If we self-reflect, we'll be able to see our differences and similarities with the character and then tweak them for that character.
alot many peole use music to express themselfs in many ways