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Vallejo was appointed Indian agent for Northern California, a position which effectively continued his earlier work for the Mexican government. In 1849 he was one of eight californios to serve in California's constitutional convention, and was subsequently elected to the first state senate!
Textiles have an assortment of uses, the most common of which are for clothing and for containers such as bags and baskets. In the household they are used in carpeting, upholstered furnishings, window shades, towels, coverings for tables, beds, and other flat surfaces, and in art.
- Many Farmers sold their Land and Farming equipment ( B )
- Many Farmers borrowed money against the profits of future crops ( D )
These farming practices were very bad practices that lead to economic downturns because it resulted mostly to drastic reduction of agricultural produce and availability of food in the open market which might lead to importation of food that would have been produced locally and add to the country's GDP.
Farmers selling off their Land and Farming equipment is not a good farming practice because it means that the farmer is no longer into farming leading to decrease in potential agricultural produce in the market.
Farmers borrowing money against the profits of his future crops is a very bad farming practice because the profits were supposed to be used to invest into the farm and not to service loans.
they are selected when citizens of a nation vote for them to be elected, by popular demand of the people(democracy) i hope that helps
The Depression was a good preparation for WWII-Americans had learned to scrimp and persevere. It took more than 6,000 people to provide food, equipment, medical services, and transportation to 8,000 soldiers. In addition, many raw materials, such as rubber, manila fiber, and oil, were in short supply. Nevertheless, Americans rose to the occasion. When FDR called for the production of 50,000 planes in a year, it was thought to be ridiculous. By 1944, the country was producing 96,000 a year. Technology blossomed.