8. Emphasizes the determinants, articles and pronouns of this text and analyze them morphologically:
I must confess that I am nervous, very, very nervous, extremely nervous. But why do you empeñáis to say that I am mad? That disease had sharpened my senses, but it had not destroyed or blunted them. Mostly he had a excruciating ear. I heard all things from heaven and earth, and even many things from hell. How can I be crazy? Listen and observe with how much sanity and how calm I can tell you this whole story! It is impossible to say at what point the first time the idea came into my brain; But, once conceived, he pursued me day and night. There was No reason. Passion, there was not either. I wanted the old man. I've never been made to feel any harm. He didn't covet his gold. I think it was his eye! He had a vulture's eye..., a pale blue eye with a cataract in it.
Guanacaste is a province in northwestern costa rica, it is knows for its beaches, biodiverse parkland and dry tropical forests. Guanacaste es una provincia de clima seco, famosa por su ganaderia, y por sus playas.
From what I understand from this question is that 2 motorcycles cost 3,038, and 1 motorcycle was (or cost) 300 more than the 2 motorcycles that cost 3,038. And the question is at the end is what did EACH motorcycle cost. So Since this question said that one motorcycle was 300 more, I times 3,038 by 300 and got 911,400