Après l’intervention militaire française, britannique et israélienne vers le canal de Suez, Gamal Abdel Nasser, le président égyptien, décréta le 22 novembre 1956 l’expulsion de tous les ressortissants français et britanniques résidant en Égypte, en grande partie issus de la communauté juive du pays. Accusant les Juifs d’être des sionistes et des ennemis de l’État égyptien, Nasser entreprit de dénaturaliser ceux d’entre eux qui avaient obtenu la nationalité égyptienne après le 1er janvier 1900 [1]. Ainsi, les ressortissants français et britanniques, de même que les Juifs égyptiens et apatrides furent-ils poussés hors du pays. La communauté juive, toutes nationalités confondues, était alors estimée à 70 000 personnes, dont 7 000 Français et un peu moins de 6 000 Britanniques. La campagne de répression fut d’une telle intensité qu’il ne restait plus que 7 000 Juifs en Égypte en 1961 [2].
Constantine moved his empire 850 miles east to Byzantium. He was not tempted to rebuld on the original site of Rome as it was declining so he deiced to move the capital of his Empire to Bryzenthium. This move made him closer to the empire it was surronded by water which made it easy to defend, and provided a harbor used for trade.
The empire was ruled by Constantine who also ruled the church as Pope. This helped to ensure no conflicts between the church and state
Many seafaring routes went through the ports of the Bryzenthium Empre. THe location of the Bryzenthium Empire resulted in it having access to a very busy harbor that was a major port and stopping point for many trade routes. This allowed the Empire to control trade routes and raise funds through taxes on goods coming into the harbor
The Byzantium Empire had a brutal military. The Military consisted of both a Navy and Army. The army was well known and defended the shores and land of the Empire without mercy.
The Empire was divided into the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire.
Explanation:greater capital mobility means Investment money flows freely around the world
Stonehenge and cameolot were major trading cities
B Supreme Court
Only group that deals with constitution case.