1. Charles I accepted the Petition of Right
It is no secret that the King and the Parliament didn't agree with each other's decisions, which is why the Parliament created the Petition of Right which limited the powers of the King, especially when it comes to the Parliament itself. Charles I had to sign it in 1628.
2. Charles I ruled without Parliament for 11 years
Charles I and the Parliament never saw eye to eye. The King wanted to do many things, but the Parliament wouldn't let him. This is why he disbanded the Parliament in 1622 and ruled without it for many years, until he needed it again. However, he was ultimately hanged because of his actions against the Parliament.
3. Charles I convened Parliament to raise taxes to crush a revolt in Scotland
After ruling without the Parliament for 11 years, he gathered it again in order to gain money to pay the soldiers in the war. This happened in 1640. However, this slowly led to the Civil War between the King and the Parliament a couple of years later.
4. Supporters of Charles I, the Royalists, engaged in a civil war with the Roundheads, supporters of Parliament
As I said in the previous option, after 1640, when the Parliament was recreated, the tensions were so high between the King and the Parliament that a civil war was inevitable. The Royalists wanted Charles I to remain king, whereas the Roundheads were fighting for the Parliament to rule. This happened in 1642.
5. The Roundheads defeated the Royalists and England became a commonwealth
In 1649, the civil war between the Roundheads and the Royalists were over after the Parliament won. The King was hanged, and for 11 years (1649-1660), England and Wales, as well as Ireland and Scotland later on, were known as the Commonwealth, led by Oliver Cromwell.
Washington served as a general and commander-in-chief of the colonial armies during the American Revolution, and later became the first president of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797
It is true that for the first 50 years after the ratification of the Constitution, Representatives and Senators usually only served for short periods of time because of difficulty in travelling and accommodations.
When the constitution was ratified, for a long period of around fifty years, the officials of the government which were the senators and the representatives used to serve the period only for a very short period of time.
The reason for this is that the travelling during that time from one place to another was very tough. Moreover the condition of the capital of the United States of America was very bad and the representatives chose to return to their local offices.
George Washington
George Washington was the top army general during the American Revolutionary War. He was a very effective military commander who had proven his worth in the French and Indian Wars, a couple of decades earlier.
George Washington was able to keep his army controlled and well prepared, even in the hardest moments. With time, his strategy proved succesful and he was able to limit British control to New York City, from where the British army would finally depart in 1783.