<span> They all brought about a </span>war<span> with Spain. They all increased the </span>territory<span> of the United States. They all resulted in</span>territory<span> being taken from the United States.</span>
Massachusetts was run by a very religious group of people (commonly referred to as the pilgrims) and they were what made up most of the Massachusetts colony, so their churches were, like EVERYWHERE, and they basically told other people "your religion sucks, join us" and the church basically ran the colony, does that make any sense?☺️
Goals of the radical Republicans : Require harsher punishments for the southern citizens due to their effort in extending slavery
Goals of Freed people: Only obtain the same rights just like other citizens have.
Goals of Ex-Confederates: To restore the south into its former Glory where it became the center of nation's economy.
The conflicts rely on the fact that many southern citizens still create some effort to disobey the reconstruction regulations even after they lost the civil war.
Independent group contingency
Independent group contingency are reward systems in which members of a group (children) individually earn token reinforcers demonstrating ideal behavior.