The first two-party system consisted of the Federalist Party, which supported the ratification of the Constitution, and the Democratic-Republican Party or the Anti-Administration party (Anti-Federalists), which opposed the powerful central government that the Constitution established when it took effect in 1789.
Answer: Interpersonal
Explanation: According to Gardner there are 8 types of intelligence, one of those being Interpersonal intelligence. This type of intelligence is related to the ability to interact and understand people and their relationships.
Empathy is a concept related to this type of intelligence.
One reason that some african americans were patriots was because a few of the high people during that time were racist. (This does not just go to african americans. White people were also patriots)
One reason that some african americans were loyalists was because some of the people that were in high power were actually african americans. These high powered african americans were not interfered with, due to there were many other people that bad guys wanted to turn into patriots. (DURING THIS TIME, very few african americans were in high power)
I hope that this helped! Please! Please! Please do not feel offended! I was only answering your question! And I caps locked "during this time" because this racist situation was only a big problem during the american revolution.
Answer: "Jews have once again been murdered, and their children will have to live with the knowledge of that violence. This is the thought that has been haunting Rabbi David Niederman, a leader of the Satmar Hasidic Jewish community: How will he and others explain that two shooters apparently targeted a kosher grocery store run by members of his community in Jersey City, New Jersey, yesterday? “How long,” Niederman asked at a press conference hosted by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio today, “are these children going to live with their scars?”
"This is the twisted logic of anti-Semitism: Jews are blamed for bringing immigrant “invaders” to the United States while being simultaneously smeared as white supremacists. Jews are the targets of conspiracy theories and stereotypes, and yet Jewish vulnerability is constantly questioned and undermined by people who perceive Jews to have outsize cultural power. Visibly identifiable Jews, including those who might shop at kosher grocery stores like the one in Jersey City, are often targets for violence. At today’s press conference, Niederman, the Satmar rabbi, referred to an old article in The New York Times that asked whether Jews are safe in New York City. “Unfortunately, we see now that we are not safe in the New York metropolitan area,” he said. It’s remarkable that he has come to believe this about New York, of all places: An estimated 1.7 million Jews live in the metropolitan area, the highest concentration of Jews in America."
Medicaid is an illustration of cooperative federalism.
Furthermore, Medicaid in the United States is a social health care program for families and individuals with limited resources.
To add, an example of cooperative federalism is the federal government giving tax revenue to the states in order to fund interstate highways; the states are allowed to govern the construction and maintenance process in accordance with goals set by the national government.