<span>The Greeks originally founded Marseilles</span>
In his book, Life and Times, Frederick Douglass described his reaction to the Emancipation Proclamation. The first of January, 1863, was a memorable day in the progress of American liberty and civilization. It was the turning-point in the conflict between freedom and slavery.
frederick douglass dent Lincoln has embraced in this proclamation the law of Congress passed more than six months ago, prohibiting the employment of any part of the army and naval forces of the United States, to return fugitive slaves to their masters, commanded all officers of the army and navy to respect and obey its provisions.
mark's behavior indicates that he is <span>developing conventionality
In child development, developing refers to making conscious effort in order to achieve a certain goal.
Even though the scale of these goals might be really small in this age, it shows a positive growth of cognitive abilities.</span>
The Korean Peninsula extends South form the Chinese mainland.
Commitment – There is no use of making a time table or having an organizer if you don't use it.
I think