20 is the greatest common denominator. You can find this by listing the factors of each number. The highest number that can fit into both individual numbers is the common denominator. Since 40 is just 20 doubled, and 20 is just 20 once, it fits into both numbers and is also the highest number that can fit.
You are going to divide 366 by 12 you get 30.5 so 30 filled cartons
are you sure it's not 336 eggs??
Answer: <em>y = 2x − 4</em>
The correct answer is <em>B)</em> <em>y = 2x − 4</em>
Step-by-step explanation:
<u>Move all terms that don't contain y to the right side and solve:</u>
<em>y = −4 + 2x</em>
<u>Then reorder −4 and 2x:</u>
<em>y = 2x − 4</em>
<u>Final answer is:</u>
<em>B) y = 2x − 4</em>
i can;t copy or paste either bro
Step-by-step explanation:
Answer: 10 + 0.998987... = 10.998987
Step-by-step explanation:
I just took the test today and this was the answer.