Fascism is something you believe. Dictatorship is something you do. Fascism is something you believe because it is first and foremost a type of political ideology. So basically it's a set of principles and beliefs you hold in your head and want to see in the world. Dictatorship in the modern sense is something you do because it is just a type of mangement. A small group gives the orders, the others follow them and nobody from outside the small group can change the small group.(I said modern sense because in ancient times it was a temporary period of rule by the few in a time of crisis to safeguard a less dictatorial way of running things when no crises were around). Hope this helped!
Self-report data asks respondents to reveal illegal activity in which they have been involved, to which they are able to plead the 5th in order to not incriminate themselves, the risk in which being they place automatic suspicion upon themselves
Enotes is a good website that can help you and also answers.com
<u>Religion among the Slaves</u>
Next to the family, religion was the most important feature of slave life in the quarters. A deep faith and hope of deliverance sustained the slaves during their long years of bondage. On most plantations, slaves went to church with the white people. Then, after formal services in the white church, slaves usually conducted their own religious ceremonies called praise meetings. Those activities took place in the quarters and were attended only by the slaves.
In the praise meetings, slaves were free to express their innermost feelings through their songs, chants, spirituals, and dances—many of which were <u>African in origin.</u> Slaves were unrestrained at those times. They often acted out their deepest anxieties, frustrations, and anger in tribal dances, accompanied by the rhythmic chanting and clapping of other slaves. These ceremonies were an escape for slaves and enabled them to “let off steam” that might otherwise have been expressed in some form of violence. These religious activities also enabled slaves to preserve some of the cultural features of their African heritage.