They said that he was a slave and it didn’t matter that he had traveled to a free territory he would still be a slave. they also said that African Americans didn’t have to right to citizenship
In this example, the judge is asked to decide what the appropriate disposition is for Trey's case. Disposition orders for juveniles usually fall within two categories: incarceration and non-incarceration. When it comes to non-incarceration options, probation is usually the most common one. We know that Trey was already on probation for burglary. Therefore, it is likely that probation is not a strategy that works with him and that he needs a harsher sentence.
The least serious incarceration sentence is house arrest. However, we know that Trey's father is a single father and is unable to spend time with Trey. Therefore, this would not be beneficial for them. Therefore, I would recommend that Trey is temporarily held at a juvenile hall or a juvenile detention facility, most likely followed by a period of probation.
Locard exchange is basically wherever you go you always leave something behind...this can help in a crime scene because it can help identify the suspect
things you can leave via Locard exchange
-dead skin cells
-shoe print
Es el conjunto de actividades que se asocian con la toma de decisiones en grupo, u otras formas de relaciones de poder entre individuos, como la distribución de recursos o estatus.
El principal objetivo de la democracia es la reducción de la desigualdad. Las democracias se basan en la igualdad política. Todas las personas tienen el mismo peso en la elección de representantes. Paralelamente al proceso de llevar a los individuos a la arena política en pie de igualdad, encontramos crecientes desigualdades económicas.