Chinese cultures and values in the historical context provide a narrative of the mother being a dominant force in the household, whereas the American culture and viewpoint more so promotes the idea that women and mothers are the loving and nurturing types of individuals in the family dynamic.
basically, the quote is saying to take the unlucky bad things and make something good outta it. when life gives you lemons means when life gives you hardships. you make lemonade means you make something good out of the hardships. Hence the meaning of "when life gives you lemons you make lemonade."
Being free from discrimination and injustice is liberating, happy, comfortable and safe.
Being free from discrimination and injustice is very comfortable and progressive for anyone's life. Individuals who have this privilege have great happiness, peace and security. Although these feelings are not wrong, it is necessary that they be used to seek the freedom from discrimination and injustice that other people suffer so that everyone can feel that same feeling and, thus, the world can become a happier and more pleasant place for all. people.
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Each year, more than thirty-three thousand people are killed in the United States as a result of school shootings, insufficient gun-restricting laws, and accidents (CDC 1). Gun control has been an extremely controversial topic and divided people over the years. Ci. But is it really the most mindful decision to make? Although the Second Amendment protects the right of citizens to bear arms, it is critical that gun control laws are strengthened because an excessive number of innocent lives are being taken, the laws are not adequate, and numerous schools are under attack.