An allegory is a discursive and literary tool which seeks to use concrete figures, such as things, animals or people, to represent abstract figures. Thus, an image is given to what does not really have it, such as the image of horses running in a meadow that usually symbolizes freedom.
In turn, hyperbole is the exaggeration of certain sensations or events, to give the reader a greater dimension than it really is and that he becomes aware of the feelings of the author or character. An example is the phrase "smile from ear to ear" to represent happiness.
Another literary device is personification, where human characteristics are attributed to things or animals. An example are the phrases "misfortune pursues him" or fables where animals can speak.
Finally, symbolism seeks to represent concepts through the use of words or images that are indirectly related to it, such as the representation of sadness through the use of dark or opaque colors.