The first step of protein synthesis is transcription, and transcription occurs in the nucleus of the cell... so...
Background extinction refers to the normal extinction rate. These are species that go extinct simply because not all life can be sustained on Earth and some species simply cannot survive. Mass extinction is a widespread event that wipes out the majority (over 50%) of living plants and animals.
-During the process of cellular respiration, the energy stored in glucose is transferred to ATP.
-During Cellular Respiration, sugar is broken down to CO2 and H2O, and in the process, ATP is made that can then be used for cellular work.
-During this process, the energy stored in glucose is transferred to ATP. Energy is stored in the bonds between the phosphate groups (PO4-) of the ATP molecule.
-Energy is then liberated from the ATP molecule to do work in the cell by a reaction that removes one of the phosphate-oxygen groups, leaving adenosine diphosphate (ADP). When the ATP converts to ADP, the ATP is said to be spent.
Last electron level
Valance electrons are always in the outside level!
Hope this helps!