It's Checks and Balance, keep branches from having too much power
Basically this:
AH asks Germany if they'll defend them, Germany says yes thinking it won't have to deliver on that promise
AH Forces Serbia into war, Russia hops in to defend Serbia
Germany, following through on it's promise, also declares war on Serbia.
Russia assures Germany that it's only mobilizing on AH
France is allies with Russia, but doesn't join the war.
Germany get's paranoid that both France and Russia will invade it since Germany boarders them both, decides to go to war with both of them just in case.
Germany and Russia are now at war.
1. only English ships could be used
Hat Act 5
<span>2. passed in 1759 </span>
writs of assistance 3
<span>3. allowed the British to search homes </span>
Molasses Act 4
<span>4. prevented competition with West Indies </span>
Iron Act 2
<span>5. prevented manufacturing and competition </span>
barter 6
<span>6. used by the colonists because of a currency shortage </span>
<span>first Navigation Act 1</span>
The AFL was a formal federation of labor unions whereas the Knights of Labor was much more a secretive type. One of the main differences between the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor is that the former one was more radical.
They intended to damage the u.s. fleet so badly that by the time it could be rebuit they would have uncontested control of all of asia and the south pacific