He believed and suggested that Germans should have the treaty of Versailles reversed and that they should not be punished as harsh as they were for world war 1 and that they should once again become a strong and a proud country that they were before world war 1. This resonated well with the people who supported this, however, he saw the path to this greatness through war and genocide and attacking everyone in Europe.
Artifacts clarify prehistoric event and give details of culture and life of people at that time.
The artifacts in the form of utensils, structural remains, weapons, accessories, paintings, etc. help researchers to depict about the lifestyle of people in pre historic times.
Some times these artifacts have engravings that can be interpreted by historians to exactly understand the historical era of that time.
Strength-strong army, many resources
Weakness- so spread out, vulverable to collapse and defiance of figures in power
Prospective voting is a theory of democratic elections where the voters choose what the government will do in the future by choosing a political party with clear stances on issues.
During the enlightenment we began to question many things. The answer for your question is B.