Time for you to take on the responsibility of being an international journalist! You are using social media to report the thick of the action of the Crusades
In the 1970s, Gerald Ford was the Vice President for Richard Nixon, and he later would take over for Nixon after Nixon resigns.
Answer C is correct
The most important and powerful city in the Mesoamerica was the Aztecs Empire capital Tenochtitlan.
Tenochtitlan was the most powerful city in the Mesoamerica. It was Conquered by Hernan Cortez, a Spanish conqueror who aided by an expert translator called "Malinche" was able to walk to the city and conquer it. The city was built on an island in what was then Lake Texcoco.
Ur-Nammu. The final gasp of Sumer leadership came in 2100 B.C. when Utuhegal, king of Ur, overthrew the Gutians.