La música cuenta con cuatro elementos esenciales que son: el ritmo, la melodía, la armonía y los matices (Dinámica), aunque para algunos este último no es tenido en cuenta como tal. Otras propuestas adicionan la textura y la forma como un elemento
5exual orientation is the romantic or 5exual attraction to someone. There is so hard evidence that science has found that link environmental influences with homo5exuality but they have linked childhood gender nonconformity to homo5exuality. They think homo5exuality is a interplay of genetic hormonal influences.
Consensus democracy is commonly defined as <u>a process of decision-making that considers varying opinions, not just taking into account opinions that are held by the majority. </u>
In Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, consensus democracy is necessary <em>because it is one of the primary mechanism that an individual can utilize to develop his or her morality from pre-conventional to post-conventional level.</em>