None of the above
i know koalas dont reside within Antarctica.
and a eucalyptus is a plant... that grows off trees... not many trees in Antarctica.
lol he got that from the internet waste or ur time look The ancient Egyptians were one of the first cultures to widely divide days into generally agreed-upon equal parts, using early timekeeping devices such as sundials, shadow clocks, and merkhets (plumb-lines used by early astronomers). Obelisks are used by reading the shadow that it makes.its the same thing!
The potential of urbanization to promote growth is likely to depend on how conducive the infrastructure and institutional settings are. Removing barriers to rural–urban mobility may enable economic growth, but the benefits will be much larger with supportive policies, markets and infrastructure investments.
immigrants help grow the economy by filling labor needs, purchasing goods and paying taxes. When more people work, productivity increases.
An argument can be made for both decades as having a greater impact on the development of US society. Viewing both decades in comparison to US society in 2017, it could be said that the 1920s was more impactful, in the sense that the US in 2017 looks a lot more like 1927 than 1937.
In the 1920s, the country was a war-weary nation that was in the process of turning inward, figuring out its identity following a costly war which didn't directly affect Americans. The result was the election of a questionably qualified Republican president who said that a return to normalcy, to the America of old, was what the nation needed. He pursued heavier tariffs and policies that would withdraw America from the world stage.
The nation was enjoying a soaring stock market setting all time records on a near daily basis. There was a great deal of inequality, and in the absence of a cohesive national vision/identity, people turned to false idols of status, partying, and conspicuous opulence to find meaning and fulfillment. Many illegal drugs, such as marijuana and alcohol at the time, were consumed openly and in large quantities despite their illegality.
Everything written above could be said of the United States in 2017. Let's hope that the parallels do not continue into the 9th year of the decade, when an epic stock market crash led to over a decade of economic disaster in the United States.
sweden had dominated the baltic sea scince the early challenge this control, peter declaired war on sweden in 1700.
after a 21 year conflict, peter defeated the swedes establishing russian control over th baltic and signaling swedens decline as a major power.
sorry i can not find more info
hope this helped:)