"we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture"
Us being sheep is the figure of speech. God is the shepherd and we are the sheep , in other words, we are his followers. One could also say that this is a verse that supports the idea of Jesus Christ being God. This bible passage refers to us as God's sheep and the New Testament refers to Jesus as our shepherd in many places.
"The Open Door Policy was a policy between China, the US, Japan, and several European powers that stated each of those countries should have equal access to Chinese trade."
most African Americans Hispanics and Native Americans were denied a part in the prosperity of the 1950s. white flight( movement to the suburbs) increased the number of minorities who lived and dirty crowded slums. Urban renewal involved tearing down Rundown neighborhoods and constructing low income housing.
Yes, back then thousands of years ago everyone traded to get what they are needed.