Shhh, don't tell him/her this, but we need to get her to stop doing those things somehow.
In the play Our Town, memory is an important element. The play touches on the topic of nostalgia, and on how humans tend to look back to the past with fondness. By doing this, they forget about enjoying the present, which reinforces the cycle.
An example is the character of Emily. She is now dead, and the dead advise her to stop looking toward the world of the living. She needs to let go of her past and move on. Moreover, she has to start looking towards her future and her new "life." However, Emily is incapable of letting go of her past. She is shocked to realize how humans do not appreciated life when it is going on, but instead take too much pleasure on their memories and their past. However, Emily is doing the same by being unable to let go of her past life and learning to appreciate what her present offers her
1) Accuracy. Verify the information you already know against the information found in the source. Look also for disclaimers as to the accuracy of the content. You may also want to double-check the information against a source that you already know is trustworthy. Even though a source may use technical language, the content may be misleading.
2) Authority. Make sure the source is written by a trustworthy author and/or institution. If you are using a webpage, you can usually identify the owner/publisher by the URL, or check for a copyright statement near the bottom of the page. Make sure the author has the proper credentials on the subject matter. Also, determine if the source is biased. For example, if it is medical information from a drug company, that company will provide information in support of its product. Be aware of the objectivity of the author and his/her viewpoints.
3) Currency. Depending on your subject, your currency needs will vary. For topics related to recent breakthroughs in medicine and technology, you will need to find up-to-date sources. If, however, you are researching a historical topic, older resources may still be useful. For webpages, you can often find a copyright date near the bottom. Also, look for the words "revised" or "updated" to find the date of the website.
The banker had negative feelings towards the jurist. In the story, the jurist did him some not so good things. We would expect that the wager was done out of hatred for the jurist. The banker wanted to take revenge aginst the jurist.
The Beat generation writers tried to defeat the clean-cut culture of post ww2 conformist America that was uptight and unnatural.