We walked to the park- walked (simple predicate), walked to the park (complete predicate)
My brother Ken collects old stamps- collects (simple predicate), collects old stamps (complete predicate)
I cooked a delicious meal- cooked (simple predicate), cooked a delicious meal (complete predicate)
Mom works hard all day- works (simple predicate), works hard all day (complete predicate)
The shy rabbit hopped away quickly- hopped (simple predicate), hopped away quickly (complete predicate)
C. Alcohols
More bodies of warter are being contaminated by oil spills and pesticides,ethanol and dangerous metals
Probably by setting the mood in the poem
The speaker's dream for America different than the reality he describes below in complete details.
The poem discourses the American dream that never endured for the cheap-class American and the sovereignty and justice that every foreigner wished for but never endured. In his poem, Hughes expresses not only African Americans but other economically weaker sections and minority organizations as well.
'Dusk' by Saki is about Norman Gortsby, who's cheated by a young man about needing money. Initially, Gortsby is suspicious, but he later finds a bar of soap on the ground, which confirms the young man's story. His guilt from being judgmental drives him to seek out the young man.