Special education is the education that is provided to the children who are special. This education is provided according to their needs and their potentials that they can fully develop. There are many types of disabilities students or children who get a special education.
- Autistic children get special education
- Deaf and dumb
- Blind students get special education.
- Speech and language impaired students get special education
- Intellectually disabled children get this type of education
- Multiple disability children get such type of education
- ADHD children also get such an education.
when u say facts , do you mean true stuff about him, or things that he states ? i don't understand can u be more specific
Communication during the Renaissance experienced many changes, some of which significantly transformed European culture and lifestyle. The two most obvious contributions were the printing press and the development of secular art.
The printing press allowed books to be more widespread, which increased literacy. It also allowed for the development of newspapers, which informed people of the activities of the government, increasing accountability. Moreover, it made Bibles more widespread, which was influential in the development of new branches of Christianity.
Secular art, particularly in the form of frescoes, also became an important medium of communication. Frescoes often depicted historical figures or events. They also told stories of Greek mythology. This allowed the common citizen to increase his or her general knowledge.
A child with fetal alcohol syndrome caused by excessive consumption of alcohol by the mother is not an example of the inheritance of an acquired trait because the mother's <u>alcoholism affects the development of the fetus rather than its genes</u>.
Phenotype refers to a man or woman's observable developments, inclusive of height, eye coloration, and blood kind. Someone's phenotype is decided by using each their genomic make-up (genotype) and environmental elements.
A gene is the primary physical and functional unit of heredity. Genes are made of DNA. Some genes act as instructions to make molecules referred to as proteins. However, many genes no longer code for proteins. In people, genes range in length from some hundred DNA bases to extra than 2 million bases.
Dominant refers to the relationship between two versions of a gene. individuals receive two versions of each gene, called alleles, from every determine. If the alleles of a gene are distinctive, one allele will be expressed; it is the dominant gene. The effect of the other allele, referred to as recessive, is masked.
Learn more about gene here
This is a very popular concept that people talk about
and it's talked about a lot when watching the news.
The achievement gap relates to the differences
that people experience in education.
This can relate to the differences in education because
of people's races, because of people's genders,
you hear a lot about it too with people's households and towns.
For example, you hear about the differences in education
in richer wealthier towns vs. more low income towns.
So this relates to how kids achieve and how
well they do in school, on their tests, etc.
So many different factors can affect the achievement gap.