Shakespeare has skilfully brought out the parallels between the life of man and actors on stage. Elaborate this statement with reference to the poem. Shakespeare considers the whole world a stage where men and women are only actors. ... Shakespeare says that every man has seven stages during his life time.
you're ignoring me
Metaphors are used almost as much as personification in this passage, as the entire second stanza compares the mirror to a lake, but even before that metaphors are distinctly present. The mirror calls itself “the eye of a little god,” by that point in the poem, Plath has made sure that it’s clear that the mirror is distinguished as completely objective, “unmisted by love or dislike” and “not cruel, only truthful.”
Answer: fdkfjad;fjjife;jfiejfeidfijeaosfuheufhenjfjkaewnkjfn
Explanation: ejfkefnewkjfnewjkfnekajnfkjewfnewjnaewkjfnewjfvkjwanevkjndjvaehidsfuhisvhudfihvfnaerkjvnehjwl