The correct answer is option A, that is, placer deposits.
The concentration of heavy deposits known as the placer deposits are produced by the gravitational action, generally found in streams. The minerals that take place as placer deposits comprise copper, gold, magnetite, cassiterite, and copper.
The formation of placer deposits takes place when the metal-bearing rock on land is weathered and the generated debris is washed down to the sea by the rivers. Further by the action of waves, currents, and rides the particles of heavy metal gets amassed to produce mineral sand deposits. These generally occur as beach deposits.
D Microwaves
It has an electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from about one meter to one millimeter; with frequencies between 300 MHz (1 m) and 300 GHz (1 mm)
It is D. alliteration
Alliteration is when it has the same letter or sound
It has the right amount of all essential things.
has the right amount of oxygen, gravity, food resources and systems (photosynthesis, cellular respiration,etc.)
How hard the blood pushes on the inside of the blood vessels is called Blood Pressure
The total amount of blood the heart pumps in one minute is called Cardiac Output
When blood vessels open wider during exercise, they are said to dilate
How many times your heart beats in one minute is called Heart Rate
The force that can put unhealthy tension on the heart as it is pumping is called Blood pressure
The amount of blood the heart pumps out in one beat is called Stroke volume.
All this concepts to the heart and cardiovascular system. It is important to know how heart is functioning to see how blood circulates.