A test balance is used to detect any calculation error that may have occurred within the accounting system. For this, it is sought to verify if the total debits and the total credits are equal, for this the balance of all accounting books is compiled in column totals of both debit and credit. A company usually prepares a trial balance periodically, usually at the end of each reporting period.
In this case, to carry out the trial balance, you must first clarify the name of the company, the title of the trial balance and the date on which the trial balance is prepared, then proceed to list the ledger accounts and enter the debit and credit balances in the respective columns, then the columns are totalized and finally it is verified that the credit totals are equal to the debit totals
The correct order of the steps is (3), (2), (4) and (1)
The primary reason for the large increase in productivity would be the management factor.
An important factor that affects the productivity in a company is the management that can have a great influence as good managers that are competent, make a good use of the resources, implement good strategies and develop good relationships with employees generating a good working environment help increase the productivity. According to the question, this is the main reason that can be inferred.
The pdca cycle is a powerful approach for problem solving as it provides the foundation for teams to figure out ways to change and implement new ideas within their group setting and project or business. The PDCA stands for plan-do-check-act. In the planning stage your team will plan by determining what the problem is and what ways to fix it. In the do stage, your team will act on the ways you can solve the problem. In the check stage you are looking to check your work and see what worked and what needs to be changed. The final stage is the act stage which if you find solutions that work, implement them moving forward.
<span>The process Disney uses as getting their employees to go out of their way to make people happy by means of valuing employees as if they were internal customers is called internal marketing. Internal marketing is a process that can only happen within a company or organization. The base idea of it is to align the employees with the business through motivation and through empowerment of employees at all levels to push them to deliver rewarding experiences to customers.</span>