Reduced dependence on nonrenewable resources
Our dependence on fossil fuels has actually increased dramatically as more and more people own vehicles. Vehicles are becoming more efficient, but with so many on the road at once, we're burning through our nonrenewable resources fast. It may not happen on our lifetimes, but we'll run out eventually and unless we find a better source of energy by then, we'll be in a bad situation.
The states or the government does not share the same laws as of the tribal government. The tribal laws make their own laws and govern as a separate entity.
The government is not liable to interfere with the tribal laws. Tribes also known as Native Americans. States do not interfere with the tribal laws as they are considered a separate entity.
These tribal governments mostly have their own set of government under the title self government. These tribal government have significant in their own constitution under the American government.
Newspapers. I'm not sure of the name of the Chicago newspaper at the time.
Nissan... srry not sure if this is right