The right to call the government to account is called as Right to information.
Among some of the rights given to the citizens of a country, which allow the citizens to lead a peaceful life having some of the basic rights with them, there is a right to information.
This right gives the citizens to hold the government of the country accountable for many things. They can also ask questions to the government related to the procedures of various things and to ask them various questions. This gives the right to hold government to account.
Answer:The increased flow of silver during the mid-16 century to the early 18 century caused social and th th
economic effects in all regions connected with the trade by increasing the integration of Europeans in the
globalization of world trade and creating greater economic opportunities but also growing social divisions
within China.” This thesis succinctly sums up the different social and economic effects facing different regions,
and also previews the POV several documents will be analyzed by later in the essay.
The United Kingdom allowed Germany to take over part of Czechoslovakia, but it came to Poland's defense when Germany invaded.
Answer: C. The crew of the Enola Gay believed that the atomic bomb was the best way to force Japan’s surrender.
Stilborik's reflection illustrates how at the time, the bombing of Hiroshima seemed as the only way to stop the conflict and avoid further casualties. The war had dragged on for three months after Germany's surrender, Imperial Japan had not yet accepted defeat and many generals feared that in order to ensure an allied victory, Japan would have to be occupied the same way they had occupied Germany, which meant millions of futher military and civilian casualties. In order to end a war that could have dragged on for two more years according to some analysts, the U.S. dropped the bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japan's surrender without the need of a costly and brutal land invasion.