1. Poker faced dude in a building eating a doughnut, back facing a bunch of people holding protestor-cards.
2. A woman holding a sweater for a dude whose hands are up.
3. A sketch of the building but with 102 floors.
That's all i could come up with
Dear Gaius,
I've never actually met anyone that could make me smile like you do.Yes i call you crazy and sometimes you annoy me to pieces but you still have your way of making a girl smile,i guess you are God's gift to me.I remember the first time we met,you left the video chat becaus it got weird and then i got your number and we started talking.The first thing you called me was "wifey" even when i actually didnt feel a thing for you.
When i was going through some boy drama you made me feel better insisting that boys were trash even though you were a boy.I'll never forget you gigi
i love you to the moon and back.
We form the perfect tenses by using the verb *to have* as an auxiliary verb and adding the past participle of the main verb. For example we form the present-perfect tense by using the present tense of have (has or have) and adding the past participle of the main verb.
Those helping verbs are named *auxiliary verbs* . And the common ones are to be, to have, and to do. They appear in the following forms:
To Be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been, will be
To Have: has, have, had, having, will have
To Do: does, do, did, will do
Hope it was helpful
An important detail missing is the date of the event !