Uhhhh meeting code for what
Click the Data option.
Click on Named Range. This will open the 'Named ranges' pane on the right.
Click on the 'Add a range' option.
Enter the name you want to give the column (“Sales” in this example)
Make sure the column range is correct. ...
Click on Done.
function timesTen (number):
return number * 10
n = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
print(str(n) +"x10 is equal to: " + str(timesTen(n)))
Pseudocode is the representation of an algorithm. It shows the steps of the algorithm combination of the English and programming language.
In the pseudocode, we said we will be defining a function called timesTen that takes one parameter and returns the value of its parameter multiplied times 10.
In the main, we asked the user to enter a number. Then, we called the function with that number, and print the result.
a.) Enterprise Resource Planning